Celtics sharpshooter Ray Allen renewed self-confidence will be staying in Boston

Yahoo Sports reported that the Green According to the U.S., Cheap Coach purses the Boston Celtics has been successfully completed recently with the spiritual leader of the team - Paul Pierce's contract, and now they will be aligned under a contract the object of a mine - Allen. According to sources, now the Celtics can be continued for Yue Alun feel confident, they believed Allen would eventually fought him instead of staying the Celtics team.
Celtic last week completed a successful four-year and Pierce total value of $ 61,000,000 in salary contract, invisible Jian has left Celtic in the coming years, while Pierce has released a number of Coach Bags salary space. Head coach Doug - Rivers is also in the earlier statement said it will continue to coach the Celtics in the 10-11 season. In addition although the roar Senior's Rasheed - Wallace said it would be premature termination of the contract and the Celtics officially announced retirement, but now he seems to have go back on the heart. Wallace really left, even NBA, Celtics officially signed today, 60 of 08 overall pick in the Turkish center Sami - Eldon to the team bench can provide some inside fighting force. For the Celtics management, these are they expected a favorable factor for low-signed Allen.
During the regular season in Allen's physical condition is quite good, he averaged 35.2 minutes played, to be 16.3 points and 3.2 rebounds and 2.6 assists, hit a total of over 145 three-pointers.discount coach purses Although beyond the arc in the lethality and the overall competitiveness has slipped, but there are still a lot of teams for the best shooter is quite coveted. As the NBA's greatest sniper in history, one of Allen has been in his career has played Milwaukee Bucks, Seattle SuperSonics and Celtics three teams, which previously was considered likely to be fought in his team won Finally, a contract to take his career Allen, now seems to have other teams did not show any interest.
July 20 this year, Allen will be at least 35 years old, he was on a three-point shot from beyond the number of Reggie - Miller is not far. Allen has hit a career total of over 2,444 three-pointers, from cheap coach handbags Miller's 2560 there are 116 gaps, if nothing unexpected success next season will surpass Aaron Miller, a history of the NBA three-point shooting several the first. For Allen, the Celtics have won a championship in the team he has deep feelings, in order to help the team win a championship again, Allen is likely to choose to accept an annual salary of about $ 6,000,000 middle-class contract, and even willing to help the team win again to choose a more affordable contract. This is also the most Celtics fans like to see the management and the situation...

Par socaca le vendredi 01 avril 2011


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